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Excursion to Waterland

Excursion to Waterland

Waterland is the first water park in Greece and certainly, with an area of  150,000 square meters, is one of the largest water parks in Europe. It is located to the village Tagarades, in a very accessible spot, and it is approximately 24 klm from the center of Thessaloniki ( one quarter to 20 minutes ).

It operates during the summer months, usually from early June until the middle of september. The opening hours are 10 am to 6, 7 or 8 pm, it depends on the season. More specifically, Waterland closes at 6 to 15th June , at 7 from 16th June to 15th July and  from 16th to 31th August, at 8 from 16th July to 15th August and finally at 6 on September.

The facilities of the Waterland are improved  continuously,and its staff is fully trained to provide absolute security to visitors. It offers pools, slides, beach volley, restaurant and more water, and not only, games for small and big friends. In this area, various events take place throught the summer season, such us music and children's shows, zumba days e.t.c.

In order to be there and live a unique entertainment experience away from the city heat, you can use the free bus of Waterland. You can catch it from the city center. Also, late at afternoon you can use it for your return to Thessaloniki. Prices are affordable and often, there are combined offers. Prices are affordable and very often you will meet and combined offers. Furthermore, the website of Waterland enables online ticket or season ticket purchasing.

Waterland is an active member of the World and the European Zone water parks and of the international association of entertainment and amusement parks (luna parks).

Contact details:

phone:+30 23920 72025, email: [email protected], facebook account: Waterland Thessaloniki

Карта Excursion to Waterland

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