Halki̇di̇ki̇ Gezi̇ Rehberi̇.

Halkidiki’ye nasıl geleceksiniz

Halkidiki’ye nasıl geleceksiniz

Halkidiki’ye nasıl ulaşacaksınız

a. Arabayla:

Halkidiki’ye doğru mevcut yol şebekesi üzerinde yolculuk edebilirsiniz. Halkidiki’nin güzelliği benzersizdir ve kendi aracınızla yolculuk etmek size her köşesini keşfetme olanağı tanıyacaktır. Bu yolla turizm acentaları ya da toplu taşıma araçlarıyla ulaşamıyacağınız yerlere gitme fırsatını yakalamış olacaksınız.

Halkidiki içeresinde bölgelerin çoğuna düzenli seferleri olan Halkidiki belediye otobüsleriyle (KTEL Halkidikis) yolculuk etme olanağınız da bulunmaktadır.

Aşağıda kendi aracınızla yolculuk etme durumunda tanımanız gereken bölgeler arasındaki temel uzaklıkları bulacaksınız:

Polygyros: Selânikten 61 kilometre
Ouranoupoli: Polygyros’tan 65 kilometre
Polyhronos: Polygyros’tan 61 kilometre
Vourvourou: Polygyros’tan 53 kilometre


b. Otobüsle:

Halkidiki içerisinde kendi aracınız olmadan gezinmenin en kolay yollarından biri de düzenli günlük seferleri olan KTEL otobüslerini kullanmaktır.

Ayrıca şunu da belirtmeliyiz ki Selanik ve Atina’dan Halkidiki’ye ve dönüş güzergahları olarak düzenli günlük otobüs seferleri bulunmaktadır.

Halkidiki KTEL iletişim numaralarından bazıları aşağıdaki gibidir:

- Halkidiki Polygyros (Halkidiki) KTEL Otogar: +30 23710 22309
- Halkidiki Selanik KTEL Otogar: : +302310 316555 & +302310 316565
- Halkidiki Atina KTEL Otogar: +30 210 5134588


c. Uçakla:

Halkidiki’nin kendi havaalanı bulunmamaktadır. Bununla birlikte Selanik’in Uluslararası MAKEDONYA Havaalanı en yakın havvalanı olup havayoluyla yolculuk etmek isteyen ziyaretçilere Selanik kent merkezine yalnızca 16 kilometre uzaklıktaki konumuyla hizmet vermektedir.

Gerek duyabileceğiniz daha fazla bilgi için aşağıdaki telefon numarasıyla iletişime geçiniz:

Selanik Uluslararası MAKEDONYA Havaalanı Danışma Bürosu: +302310230240

d. Trenle




TRAIN 360/ 361


Train Arrival Departure Station Arrival Departure Train
600/360 6:55 Thessaloniki 22:22
8:56 9:50 Strimon 19:25 20:20
10:05 Promachon gr. 19:10
10:10 10:50 Kulata gr. 18:25 19:05
10:31 10:32 Gen.Todorov * 18:41 18:42
10:41 10:43 Sandanski 18:31 18:32
11:36 11:38 Blagoevgrad 17:37 17:38
12:06 12:07 Dupnica 17:09 17:10
12:46 12:47 Radomir 16:29 16:30
13:01 13:02 Pernik 16:09 16:10
13:27 13:28 Gorna Banja *
13:38 13:39 Zah.fabrika * 15:35 15:36
13:45 Sofia 15:00 361/601

* Stops only for domestic passengers

Sale of international tickets in stations: SofiaBlagoevgrad and Sandanski

Please note that until further notice, the line section Strimon to Kulata and Kulata to Strimon will be operated by bus.




Indicative prices in Euros (€)

One way


Thessaloniki – Sofia 16.80 33.60
Thessaloniki – Blagoevgrad 11.60 23.20
Thessaloniki – Sandanski 8.80 17.60

The international one way tickets are valid for 15 days and the return tickets are valid for 1 month.

Reserving a seat is mandatory. There is a seat reservation fee per passenger, added to the ticket’s price, as follows:

  • One way tickets: 1.00 €
  • Return tickets and City Star: 0.50 € each way
  • Eurail, Interail, Balkan Flexipass tickets etc: 1.00 € each way
  • Special Offer tickets (25 €): no extra fees (0€)

Children aged 4-12 and children aged below 4, for whom a separate seat is requested, are charged half the going adult rate. Children aged below 4 travel free of charge.

Groups consisting of 6 people or more are entitled to a 20% discount (2 children aged 4-12 are considered 1 adult).

Small groups of passengers, consisting of at least 1 adult and 1 child and no more than 5 adults and 1 child (2 children are considered 1 adult) are being charged the special CityStar price, agreed between the two countries. CityStar entails, as well, special prices, addressed to students, ISIC (International Student Identity Card) holders.This bilateral offer  is valid on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays every week.

Typical CityStar prices on the route Thessaloniki- Sofia- Thessaloniki:

  • 2 people pay 38.40 Euros in total
  • 4 people pay 64 Euros in total
  • 2 students pay 19.10 Euros in total
  • 4 students pay 48.50 Euros in total

A special price of 25 Euros for return tickets is also available on the route Thessaloniki- Sofia, provided the ticket was purchased at least 15 days prior to travel. The offer is available for a limited number of seats.

International tickets Eurail, Interail, BalkanFlexipass, etc may be used and are charged the seat reservation fee.




Timetable (from 01.06.2017 until 09.12.2017)

TRAIN 335/334 “HELLAS”


(Local Time)

Train Arrival Departure Station Arrival Departure Train
335 18.35 Beograd 07.46
18.55 18.56 Rakovica 07.25 07.26
19.44 19.45 Mladenovac 06.35 06.36
20.04 20.05 Palanka 06.15 06.16
20.14 20.14 Velika Plana 06.04 06.05
20.29 20.39 Lapovo 05.35 05.45
21.08 21.09 Jagodina 05.13 05.14
21.17 21.18 Cuprija 05.04 05.05
21.24 21.25 Paraćin 04.57 04.58
21.53 21.54 Stalać 04.37 04.38
23.02 23.17 Niš 03.19 03.29
00.01 00.02 Leskovac 02.34 02.35
01.16 01.16 Vladicin Han 01.20 01.20
01.48 01.49 Vranje 00.52 00.53
02.25 03.01 Preševo 23.43 00.16
03.14 03.40 Tabanovci 22.59 23.29
03.49 03.50 Kumanovo 22.49 22.50
04.20 04.45 Skopje 21.54 22.19
05.25 05.26 Veles 21.12 21.13
05.46 05.46 Gradsko 20.51 20.51
06.05 06.06 Negotino Vardar 20.32 20.33
06.20 06.21 Demir Kapija 20.18 20.18
06.37 06.37 Miravci 20.02 20.02
06.51 07.23 Gevgelija (HEC)* 19.16 19.48
08.28 09.00 Idomeni (HEOr)* 19.37 20.11
10.05 Thessaloniki 18.30 334

*time change

Please note that until further notice, the line section Thessaloniki to Gevgelija and Gevgelija to Thessaloniki will be operated by bus, and the accompanied cars service will not be offered



Route Indicative ticket prices in Euros (€)
One way Return Wagon Lit Transportation (Extra price)
Thessaloniki – Beograd 33.8 54,1 8
Thessaloniki –  Nis 22.2 35.5 8
Thessaloniki – Skopje 12.2 19.5
Thessaloniki – Veles 10 16

The international one way tickets are valid for 15 days and the return tickets for 1 month.

Children aged 4-12 and children aged below 4, for whom a separate seat is requested, are charged half the going adult rate. Children aged below 4 travel free of charge.

In Serbian Railways routes (SV), children aged below 6 travel free of charge

Groups consisting of 6 people or more are entitled to a 20% discount (2 children aged 4-12 are considered 1 adult).

There is no seat reservation fee levied on International tickets Eurail, Interrail, BalkanFlexipass.





Timetable (from 02.06.2017, SUMMER 2017)

TRAIN 1460-460/461-1461



Train Arrival Departure Station Arrival Departure Train
23:10 Thessaloniki 6:31
0:41 0:56 Strimon 4:43 4:58
Promachon gr.
1:17 2:10 Kulata gr. 3:10 4:23
2:20 2:21 Gen.Todorov
2:32 2:34 Sandanski 2:50 2:51
3:29 3:31 Blagoevgrad 01:55 01:56
3:59 4:00 Dupnica 1:27 1:28
4:41 4:42 Radomir 0:47 0:48
4:57 4:59 Pernik 0:28 0:29
5:26 5:35 Goma Banya
5:43 5:44 Zah.fabrika 23:55 23:56
5:50 Sofia 23:50 1461
460 9:00 Sofia 22:25
10:28 10:29 Mezdra 20:53 20:55
11:02 11:03 Cerven Bryag 20:17 20:18
11:47 11:48 Pleven 19:38 19:39
12:16 12:17 Levski 19.10 19:11
12:55 13:10 Gorna Oriahovitca 18:28 18:33
15:05 16:10 Ruse 15:35 16:30
16:35 16:58 Giurgiu Nord 14:45 15:10
18:05 18:06 Videle 13:38 13:39
18:58 Bucuresti 12:45 461

*Train 1460/460 Thessaloniki – Sofia– Bucharest: service operates only every Sunday (Departure from Thessaloniki every Sunday, 04.06, 11.06, 18.06, 25.06, 02.07, 09.07, 16.07, 23.07, 30.07, 06.08, 13.08, 20.08, 27.08, 03.09, 10.09, 17.09, 24.09 & 01.10.2017).

*Train 461/1461 Bucharest– Sofia – Thessaloniki: service operates only every Friday (Departure from Bucharest every Friday, 02.06, 09.06, 16.06, 23.06, 30.06, 07.07, 14.07, 21.07, 28.07, 04.08, 11.08, 18.08, 25.08, 01.09, 08.09, 15.09, 22.09 & 29.09. 2017).



Route Indicative ticket prices in Euros (€)
One way Return
Thessaloniki – Sofia 16.80 33.60
Thessaloniki – Bucharest 39.80 79.60


Route Supplements prices in Euros (€) (extra)
Wagon couchettes Wagon Lit
Bc Ac Tourist Double Single
Thessaloniki – Sofia 9,40 14,00
Thessaloniki – Bucharest 13,40 20,00 22,00 33,00 77,00
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