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Nea Kallikrateia Halkidiki

Nea Kallikrateia Halkidiki

Information about Nea Kalikrateia, Halkidiki

Nea Kallikratia is a small town of Halkidiki and it has more than 6,000 inhabitants. It is located only 30 km away from Thessaloniki and it is the first major holiday village a traveler meets on the road to Halkidiki. In the region, many villages have cottages, rooms to let, and hotels. One of them is Mykoniatika. It floods with people from Thessaloniki seeking an oasis during the hot summer days. In Nea Kallikrateia there are many bars, restaurants, taverns, fast-food restaurants, shops and everything else you'll need during your holiday. At the beaches of Nea Kallikratia, you can spend endless hours of fun beneath the sounds of music in some of the most crowded beach bars in Halkidiki.

For your stay, we recommend the Aegean Blue Beach Hotel which is located on the beach in Kallikratia and overlooks the Thermaikos Gulf and Mount Olympus. Another good choice is the Secret Paradise Hotel & Spa in the same area.

The area was inhabited during the Neolithic period, and archaeological excavations brought to light the tomb column of a daughter holding a dove in her left hand that dates back to 440 BC. Currently, it is being protected in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki.


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