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Agios Nikolaos Halkidiki

Agios Nikolaos Halkidiki

Information about Agios Nikolaos, Halkidiki

Agios Nikolaos is located in Sithonia Halkidiki and is a large, picturesque mountain village which is 115 km away from Thessaloniki with 2,100 inhabitants. Agios Nikolaos is worth a visit for an afternoon walk through the narrow cobblestoned streets or for a meal in traditional taverns - grills which are located on the main square around the fountain which offer food from Greek and Mediterranean cuisine. The village is not coastal, but on the broader region and nearby destinations there are the beaches of Ormos PanagiasTrani Ammouda Beach, and Akti Salonikiou with crystal clear water. Nearby, you can find Vourvourou with its exotic beaches.

In Agios Nikolaos, you will find many hotels and apartments. We recommend you to stay in Krotiri Resort which is located between Agios Nikolaos and Pyrgadikia in Akti Salonikiou. This is a luxury hotel complex which offers all amenities. Also, Antigoni Beach Resort is located on the beach of Ormos Panagias which is called Trani Ammouda and could be an excellent choice.


In Agios Nikolaos, the traditional houses and the churches of St. George and Aghia Paraskevi are examples of folk architecture. In the village, there is the Health Center of Sithonia and a clinic, post office, supermarket, pharmacy, and garage.

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